Thursday, July 30, 2009

Relieved ~WEeee

It's been a whirlwind of busy, mind-draining activities from last week itself. And I SOo relieved now *phew*

This afternoon, I gave a mini presentation about my project in front of a bunch of senior colleagues. What's even more shocking when I arrived the room.. HE. WAS. THERE. *gasps* His presence can be intimidating because of his superiority in his field of knowledge. I think many people will agree. He taught higher level chemistry last year and he was terrific! Everybody wanted to attend his tutorials, his discussion board was always up-to-date, and his key lecture points were precise and succinct (ahem.. unlike other lecturers!) I really enjoyed his informative lectures and its very applicable too! But for him to look at me presenting, hm... was daunting >.<>

Can you believe it's Friday already? *dances* Looking forward to the weekends to do some catching up with dear friends.

On a random note-It happened today when my friend and I were doing some role-play where I entered the shop as a customer and asked for head lice treatment. She asked me a couple of questions and then.. she recommended me a product and encouraged me to use the 'conditioner and comb' method to remove the lice and eggs in between the two treatments. She showed me the nit combs (there were two colours-black and cotton pink) and I thought to myself, I think I like the cotton pink! "Yup, I'll get the pink one, more fashionable!" I said to her. She looked at me weirdly and replied "Eh, the black one is to find the eggs, which are white in colour. The light pink one is to find for the lice which are black in colour!".
Oh.. O_0


Got such thing one, ar? Heehee...Definitely learned something today!

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