Sunday, November 15, 2009

Drawing on the road!

I woke up to the the sounds of children shrieking and lots of noise and movement outside my window yesterday. 7.30am-which child wakes up at this ungodly hour? And this is what I saw when I went out 30 minutes later:

Cool, hey? Swarms of 3-10 year old kiddies, babies, moms and dads were sitting along both sides of the pavement on the main street in Adelaide. I'm not sure what was the event.. hmm,Children's Day? I thought that was in October.

Not to mention, it was sweltering hot as well. I wonder if parents have put enough sunblock for them? Skin cancer incident is extremely worrying in here! Haha.. some kid coloured the metal thingy there! Looks like a football now!

Daddy decide to join the kids as well! I want to draw and colour too!!

It's Saturday-Xmas 2009-Humungous flower

These kids' drawing remind me of the good old days when mom used to hang our drawings up in the kitchen wall after the art class. Friends and family used to play the guessing game whose drawings were they (my bro or mine)? The kitchen area was always my pride and joy because of these drawings =)

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