Saturday, October 9, 2010


Jenna has worked in Aboriginal Congress for almost three years and she is a pure joy to work with. She has always been there to help me especially when I have difficulties listening to patient's name. I still do. And I really don't know what to do now, without her around.

The farewell party was held at one of our colleague's place and he stays out of town with his partner. There were hardly any streetlights and it was freaking scary to drive there at night. Imagine, you drive with your headlights on and you look back at your rear mirror, its pitch black. They have also put up signs of kangaroo crossing, and if you hit it, you need to ring to report the incident. The two sides of the road are just filled with long, tall grasses. Feels so remote.

The house was huge! I guess you call it a bungalow. And the poolside, simply romantic. Though this picture wouldn't do justice.

She is a terrific painter while our colleague was a brilliant photographer (his part time job).

A campfire!! Can you believe it? WOW Perhaps the only thing missing was we weren't barbecuing chicken or marshmellows.

Because we BROUGHT our home-cooked food! While I was happily snapping away, my preceptor put her arms around me and asked "Why are you taking pictures of food? I thought you have food in your home country?" >.<

Er.. because we appreciate food? My housemate bluntly said "Yes, and we also live on trees". LOL!

Can you see lamb cutlets? Potato baked? Curry chicken? Fried sotong?

Jenna (second row-middle) and Alex (first row-far right)

People come and go and leave footprints in your heart.

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